Coach FAQ
Players should be supervised at all times. A lone bench staff member should never be in the dressing room with players at any time, especially when they are showering or changing. Two adults should be present together, which is called the "Two Deep Method" of supervision.
At this time, minor hockey teams registered with Hockey Alberta (Hockey Canada) are only permitted to play in Hockey Canada sanctioned exhibition games and tournaments.
Affiliate players are chosen according to SAMHA'S Affiliation Policy to be placed on the team's HCR roster. Affiliate players are used to fill spots on a team for games or practices when the team has sick or injured players and, in some cases, suspended players. EFHL does not allow teams to use affiliates in place of suspended players. IMPORTANT: Affiliated players can practice with a team once listed on the team's HCR Roster; however, they cannot participate in gameplay until they are marked as APPROVED on the team's HCR Roster.
All coach clinic reimbursement cheques will be issued on November 15th. Any claims received after this date will be reimbursed between January 15th - January 31st.
Yes if both teams agree, and an exhibition permit has been approved, the exhibition game can proceed.
Your team needs to apply for an exhibition game permit when you are the home team for an exhibition game. If you have booked ice outside of St Albert, the home exhibition game will serve as your exhibition game permit and your travel permit, you do not have to apply for both. Permits can be found under Resources/Managers/Permit Application Form
No. bench staff are not allowed to use the showers at the facilities under any circumstances.
As the head coach you should be the last person to walk through the dressing room and ensure that the dressing room clean and nothing is broken or destroyed in any way. This would be for all practices and home and away games. If you have to leave and cannot do the walk through, then please assign an Assistant Coach to take on this responsibility. It is a good practice to address dressing room expectations with your players. Players should have the utmost respect for facilities in both our home arena and also dressing rooms in visiting arenas. Teams that leave dressing rooms untidy or have caused destruction of property will be liable for fines or fees that are sent to SAMHA, and may face further discipline.
Please communicate team rules to your players. The City of St Albert arenas do not allow vaping, smoking, drugs or alcohol, nor does SAMHA or Hockey Alberta allow players or bench staff to partake in these behaviours in the arena and violating such rules can result in suspensions, fines, loss of facility use.
It is not mandatory for bench staff to attend dryland, but it is advised that at least two of the bench staff members attend to help to supervise the players. It is a learning opportunity for all coaches when they attend dryland.
No. Only players on the team's HCR roster can play in a game. This would include properly registered affiliate players.
Playing an illegible player results in an indefinite suspension of the Head Coach.
No. Only players listed on the team's HCR roster can go be on the ice for practice or games.
No. Only bench staff registered to the team HCR Roster are allowed on the ice/bench for practices or games.
No. Only bench staff registered to the team HCR Roster are allowed on the ice/bench for practices or games.
Bench staff are the team's head coach, assistant coaches, goalie coaches, trainers.
Bench staff are not allowed on the ice for practices or games unless registered on the team's HCR Roster. To be registered on the team HCR Roster, bench staff require a current Criminal Record check (CRC) and the Respect in Sports Activity Leader Course. (Parent Respect In Sport does not replace coaching Respect in Sport)
The Head Coach must have the required coach courses for the level of play. You can find out which courses are required on the Hockey Alberta website under Coaches - Coach Education - Requirements.
Each team MUST have one member of their bench staff with a current Hockey Canada Safety Course, except for the U7 & U9 Divisions; for these Divisions, two members of the bench staff must have the course.