The Team Manager plays a vital role in the team’s success by handling the day-to-day operations, allowing the Head Coach to concentrate fully on player development and on-ice instruction. This partnership between the Head Coach and Team Manager is crucial, with open communication and collaboration being key.

As the Team Manager, you’ll be the organizational backbone, ensuring smooth operations while acting as the primary liaison between the Association, League, coaches, parents, and players. Your support empowers the Head Coach and helps maintain a positive environment for the team, all of which contribute to a successful season.

Team Management Essentials

Manager Guide

Learn everything you need to know and more about being a Team Manager. 

Bank Letter Request Form

Do you require a letter to open a bank account? 

Team Budget

You need to send your team budget before October 31.

Budget Template

Teams must use the association budget template.

Bench Staff Approval

All teams are required to submit team staff members for approval. 

Team Standards

Create a unified framework of expectations, fostering accountability, discipline, and a positive team culture.

Jersey Care

Next to ice, jerseys are our biggest investment each season. Learn more about how to care for your jersey. 


Learn everything you need to know about player affiliation. 

Conduct Management

Read more about how to navigate conflict resolution on your team.

Ice For Sale

If your team is looking for ice, click here. 

Game Day Essentials


Learn everything you need to know about the league your team plays in. 

Arena Locations

Not sure where the rink is or what code belongs to which rink. 

Referee Rates

Don't forget referees are cash only. 

Emergency Goalie

If you are in a pinch and need a goalie fill out this form and contact

Permit Request

Not sure if you need a permit, read more in our permit section below. 


Search for multiple tournaments across Alberta in one place. 

Game Cancellation

You must follow the game cancellation process if your game needs to be cancelled. 

Reschedule Games

You must follow the league's process if you need to reschedule a game. 

Gamesheet Labels

You may occasionally need to use a paper game sheet. This template prints labels for your roster. 

Suspension Guidelines

Hockey Alberta minimum suspension guidelines. 

Hockey Canada Playing Rules

Provide guidance and information about how the playing rules should be applied in various situations.

Player Safety & Well Being


Submit your injury report to Hockey Alberta to access insurance benefits. 


Does your player have medical information you need to share with the coaching staff?


Cell phones are not permitted in the team dressing room. 


Learn more about the prevention, identification, and management of concussions and suspected concussions. 

Return to Play Form

Post concussion return to play form

Additional information