Equipment Guidelines

Wear light fitting, cool, comfortable undergarments during all games and practices. When fitting all other equipment, the same undergarments should be worn in order to get the proper sizing and wash after every use.

Jock (Jill) Strap
This piece of equipment should be fitted according to waist size and should feel comfortable for the player. Tears, especially where the two leg straps attach to the protective cup, should be properly repaired or replaced immediately. Protective cups come in sizes to suit all players.

Shin Pads
When sizing, wear loosely fitting skates in order to get the proper length of the shin pad. The cap of the shin pad should be centred on the kneecap. The bottom of the pad should fit where the foot and the leg meet at a 90-degree angle. If the pad is too short, an unprotected area above the skate will be exposed. If the pad is too long, it will restrict movement and create discomfort for the player. Shin pads are sized in inches and come in both junior and senior sizes. Cracked pads should be replaced.

Before sizing skates, check the persons feet for any irregularities which would affect the size of skate. Player should wear the same foot hosiery that they would in a game or practice (i.e.socks,barefoot, etc.). With the foot in an untied skate, have the player push foot forward so that the toes touch the front of the skate. There should be one finger width space between the players heel and the back of the boot. Before lacing up the skate, have the player kick the heel back in order to ensure a snug fit. When completely laced, eyelets should be 1.5 to 2 inches apart. Never buy skates to grow into as this puts the player at risk of injury and will inhibit their skating ability. Laces should never be wrapped around the ankle as this inhibits blood flow. Skate guards should be used during transport or when walking on non-ice surfaces. Never dry skates over direct heat, as this may crack and damage the composition of the skate. Always remove the souls as they may bet wet causing the rivets to rust. Always wipe the blades after every use ensuring they are dry.

Shoulder Pads
Should protect the entire shoulder joint throughout a full range of motion. Arm pads should extend to just above the elbow to ensure full protection. Back pad should meet the top of the pants. For female players, a combination of shoulder and chest protector gives added protection to the chest area. When lifting arms, pads should not dig into the neck of the player as this may cause injury and discomfort. Check pads and straps regularly for damage.

Elbow Pads
When fitting, place the point of the elbow in the circular area on the inside of the elbow pad and fasten all straps properly. The top of the elbow pad should meet the bottom of the shoulder pad. The bottom of the pad should extend down the forearm and fit inside the cuff of the glove. Check straps regularly and have any defective pad or strap properly repaired or replaced immediately.

Should fit the players hands snugly, but not too tight. Glove should overlap the elbow pad through the entire range of motion. Padding on the back of the glove should absorb all shock. Check this by pressing on the back of the glove. The player should not feel any pressure on the backside of the hand. Be sure that the palms of the gloves are always soft and without holes or tears. Always leave laces (if present) in the cuff. Check gloves for damage frequently and repair or replace immediately.

Throat Protector
All players must wear a throat protector. Should fit snugly and should completely cover the throat area. Hang to dry after every use.

Should be snug and remain in place when chinstrap is properly fastened.The front of the helmet should fit just above the eyebrows. Helmet MUST be CSA* approved. Never paint or add stickers as this weakens the structure and removes CSA certification. Replace loose or missing screws immediately. Check inside and outside of helmet for cracks or deterioration and replace if necessary.

When fitting, a proper measurement should be taken from the front of the helmet to the bottom of the players chin. Chin should fit comfortably into cup of facemask. Facemasks come in both cage and polycarbonate visor styles and also in different types. Type I, for players 10 years or older (excluding goaltenders), denoted by a white CSA sticker. Type II, for players 10 years and under (excluding goaltenders), denoted by an orange CSA sticker. Type III, for goaltenders of any age, denoted by a blue CSA sticker. Type IV, for players at the Major Junior level and up, denoted by a yellow CSA sticker. An internal mouth guard may be attached to the facemask to protect the players teeth and to help reduce the risk of concussion. It is recommended that a dental practitioner fit the mouth guard. All breaks or cracks should be replaced. Check that the mask is compatible with helmet. Be sure to clean visor after every use. Never cut or alter facemask.

In street shoes, the stick should reach between the chin and the mouth of the player and just below the chin when on skates. Junior sticks should be used for younger players, as these sticks have features that are more suitable for this age group. When purchasing a goalie stick, the blade of the stick should be flat on the ice when the goalie is in a crouch position. Be aware of players personal preference when purchasing a hockey stick.