policy & process

These Policies outline the regulations under which St. Albert Minor Hockey Association (SAMHA) conducts hockey operations and Association business. All members of the Association, including players, parents, coaches, and team officials, are bound by the Bylaws, Policies, & Operational Guidelines of SAMHA, Hockey Alberta and Hockey Canada.

The SAMHA Code of Conduct(s) identify the standard of behaviour which is expected of all St. Albert Minor Hockey Association (SAMHA) members and participants, including but not limited to players, coaches, team officials, parents, guardians, and volunteers. More...

Risk Management includes identifying, assessing and eliminating or minimizing risks in an activity, in this case, minor hockey. St. Albert Minor Hockey Association shall adhere to these risk management policies and the policies outlined by Hockey Canada and Hockey Alberta. This policy includes cell phone use and dressing room supervision, including access. More...

conduct management

The Policy is not intended to address complaints about officiating or general hockey rules. It is not intended to circumvent Hockey Alberta or Hockey Canada recommendations or standards, nor does it take precedence over disciplinary actions enforced by any league that SAMHA/SARHC participates in. More...

St. Albert Minor Hockey Association is committed to respectful behaviour and conduct on and off the ice. The Association does not condone Unacceptable Conduct on any social media channel or account. This includes conduct by staff, volunteers, players, parents, officials, or any member of the hockey community.

The purpose of the Social Media Policy is to ensure that making posts or comments on any social media site, whether public or private, will be held to the same standard of conduct. More...

incident reporting forms



Minor infractions These infractions under the SAMHA Code of Conduct are less serious than Major Infractions. These infractions and/or complaints will, in most cases, be dealt with by the Head Coach and Parent Liaison, after which they may be appealed to the Association Discipline Committee. These infractions may also warrant immediate corrective action.


a) a single incident of disrespectful, offensive comments or behaviour directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, players, parents, coaches, officials, managers, trainers, administrators, spectators and sponsors;

b) unsportsmanlike conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing;

c) non-compliance with the rules and regulations under which SAMHA events are carried out;

d) any complaint or infraction considered minor in nature

Incident Reporting Form


The Maltreatment, Bullying and Harassment   Intake Form is intended to bring forward any allegations of Maltreatment, bullying or harassment, specifically of discrimination, including verbal taunts, insults or intimidation based on discriminatory grounds (race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability or language).

Incident Reporting Form


The Independent Third Party (ITP) is a fully independent group appointed to administer all Hockey Canada maltreatment complaints in a procedurally fair manner. The ITP may redirect complaints to provincial member associations or the Abuse-Free Sport and the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner, depending on the jurisdiction or nature of the complaint. More...

privacy policy

St. Albert Minor Hockey Association (SAMHA) has developed this Privacy Policy for implementation beginning May 31, 2022. This Policy describes the way that SAMHA collects, uses, retains, safeguards, discloses and disposes of the personal information of prospective members, members, and others, including players, coaches, referees, managers and volunteers. More...


evaluation policy and process

SAMHA remains committed to supporting the following objectives throughout the evaluation process: Provide an impartial, consistent and comprehensive evaluation of a player’s total hockey skills, resulting in the best chance for development. Learn More...


Affiliation Policy and Process


Coach Selection Policy and Process


Player Selection and Evaluation Handbook


Privacy Policy



Board Member Agreement


Nominations Committee

Nominations Committee

Raiders Hockey Committee






Female Hockey Committee


Minor infractions

These infractions under the SAMHA Code of Conduct are less serious than Major Infractions. These infractions and/or complaints will in most cases be dealt with by the Division Director, Head Coach and Parent Liaison, after which they may be appealed to the SAMHA Discipline Committee. These infractions may also warrant immediate corrective action.

Examples of situations involving Minor Infractions could include:

a) a single incident of disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist comments or behaviour directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, players, parents, coaches, officials, managers, trainers, administrators, spectators and sponsors;

b) unsportsmanlike conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing;

c) non-compliance with the rules and regulations under which SAMHA events are carried out;

d) any complaint or infraction considered minor in nature.


Reporting Process

When an issue occurs, and a party has a resulting complaint to make or an issue to be resolved, they are asked to wait 24 hours, then put the issue in writing and submit it to SAMHA. The goal is to bring about change in negative attitudes and behaviours; all issues will be dealt with in the spirit of shared mutual respect.

  • Complaints will be handled in a timely, sensitive, responsible and confidential manner.
  • There will be no tolerance of reprisals against any party to a complaint.
  • The names of the parties and the circumstances of the complaint will be kept confidential to the public or unrelated parties, except where disclosure is necessary for the purpose of investigation or taking disciplinary measures.
  • SAMHA will accept anonymous complaints. this may limit the scope of the investigation 
  • Minor incidents may be dealt with informally, taking a constructive, collaborative approach with all parties involved.

SAMHA utilizes the standards outlined in Hockey Alberta’s Guide to Conduct Management. The standards are based on the principles of independent investigation and due process.

The Maltreatment, Bullying and Harassment   Allegation Intake Form is intended to bring forward any allegations of Maltreatment, bullying or harassment specifically of discrimination, including verbal taunts, insults or intimidation based on discriminatory grounds (race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability or language).


Major infractions

These are infractions under the SAMHA Code of Conduct which are more severe and may warrant disciplinary action. These infractions and/or complaints are generally dealt with by the HOCVP, ADMIN VP and the Discipline Committee.

Examples of situations involving Major Infractions could include:

  1. a) repeated incidents of disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist comments or behaviour directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, players, parents, coaches, officials, managers, trainers, administrators, spectators and sponsors;
  2. b) repeated unsportsmanlike conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing;
  3. c) activities or behaviour which interferes with the organization of a competition or with any player's or team's preparation for a competition;
  4. d) pranks, jokes or other activities which endanger the safety of others;
  5. e) deliberate disregard for the rules and regulations under which SAMHA events are conducted;
  6. f) abusive use of alcohol, where abuse means a level of consumption which impairs the individual's ability to speak, walk or drive; causes the individual to behave in a disruptive manner; or interferes with the individual's ability to perform effectively and safely;
  7. g) any use of alcohol by minors;
  8. h) use of illicit drugs and narcotics;
  9. i) use of, or condoning the use of, banned performance-enhancing drugs or methods;
  10. j) any Harassment, Abuse or Bullying complaint;
  11. k) lack of reporting, activity or action of a association member;
  12. l) any other complaint or infraction which is considered serious

Reporting Process

When an issue occurs, and a party has a resulting complaint to make or an issue to be resolved, they are asked to wait 24 hours, then put the issue in writing and submit it to SAMHA. The goal is to bring about change in negative attitudes and behaviours; all issues will be dealt with in the spirit of shared mutual respect.

  • Complaints will be handled in a timely, sensitive, responsible and confidential manner.
  • There will be no tolerance of reprisals against any party to a complaint.
  • The names of the parties and the circumstances of the complaint will be kept confidential to the public or unrelated parties, except where disclosure is necessary for the purpose of investigation or taking disciplinary measures.
  • SAMHA will accept anonymous complaints; however this can limit the scope of the investigation 

SAMHA utilizes the standards outlined in Hockey Alberta’s Guide to Conduct Management. The standards are based on the principles of independent investigation and due process.



This minor hockey association shall be known as the “St. Albert Minor Hockey Association” and may hereinafter be referred to as the “SAMHA”, or “Association”.

The following articles set forth the Bylaws of SAMHA and any matters not covered within these bylaws are subject to the SAMHA Policies, Procedures and Operating Guidelines.


Untitled design (17)

St. Albert Minor Hockey Association

66 Hebert Road, St. Albert
