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SAMHA is seeking volunteers to help manage our equipment. We have a group of three volunteers managing this process but we could use some extra help especially in the month of March. If you are interested please contact us at admin@samha.ca.

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In February 2022, the SAMHA voted to approve the formation of a Nominations Committee.

The Nominations Committee works on behalf of the Board to recruit and secure a strong and balanced leadership for the Association. The committee will support recruitment, education, evaluation and succession planning.

We are seeking 3-5 voting members of SAMHA who are currently not on the Board of Directors. 

To learn more, please read the Nominations Committee Terms of Reference. If you are interested, please contact Jane Sedo at executivedirector@samha.ca.

Thank you!



SAMHA is a not-for-profit organization that is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors. Five Executive Officers hold direct responsibility for all aspects of the organization; they are supported by 10 elected Directors and various committees. All elected positions have an overall responsibility to represent our members’ interests.

Learn more about becoming a member of our Board.

If you are interested in joining our Board please contact Shauna Heduc at president@samha.ca.